Favorite items above the notebook list in the left pane


Would it be possible to create a list of favorites (a bit like totoist does, see image) which allows you to find the notes, in 1 click :slight_smile:


install the Favorites plug-in, and configure it to your needs


In addition to Favorites, there are many other plugins that extend Joplin's core functionality. Be sure to check them out.

A favorites folder including saved searches is actually the feature I miss the most. Unfortunately, the plugin doesn't really help because it's not available on all platforms.

This functionality is particularly desirable for important or frequently used documents. That's exactly the point of the matter. It's annoying when you can't quickly find these important notes on your smartphone.

If you were used to searching for these documents on your desktop using the plugin, you would probably be even slower on your smartphone because of the less routine.

It really should be a standard feature.

Awesome :slight_smile:
I haven't seen any other plugins but this one seems good to me.
Too bad he adds a 4th column. I would have preferred to see these favorites above the notebooks in the left pane with the same ergonomics of folding/unfolding the list.

with perhaps appearance when hovering over the title of the note of the folder where this note is located
But probably to do with the dev of the plugin

You can adjust the layout via "View>change application layout".

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What I do is have a folder - Immediate
Which makes it, and any subfolders appear at the top of the list. Sorry, no help for saved searches, but if I needed it, I'd probably put it in the - Immediate folder as a note, along with the markdown guide, billing notes, and others. It would simply be a list of common searches I could copy and paste.

this discussion has given me an interesting lead, which will be very useful, same idea as @SteveShank
With a notebook called 000. Favorites, I store my priority notes in this notebook by copying and pasting the corresponding Markdown link.
I keep the original title, and the notebook takes up very little screen space: 1 note = 1 line.
No plugin added to manage my priorities.