1 September 2021 21:03
@joeschmoe this is a well known issue at Evernote. Many EN users aren't aware of it, but the "power users" have known about it for years. And it creates a problem when moving to Joplin since Joplin's import cannot recreate note links that EN's export file doesn't contain.
Some thoughts I had on this issue.
As many of you are aware, Evernote's ENEX export format does not include note GUID's (unique note identifiers), so the note links in a referring note, e.g., evernote:///view/623444547/s234/3234284a05c-d67a-47af-c354-adad387102b3/3234284a05c-d67a-47af-c354-adad387102b3/
are pointing to a GUID that does not exist in the enex file or in any notes imported from an enex file. So perfect recreation of note links via enex is impossible.
However, in practice, most note links have note text that is exa…
I suggested the idea for a plugin that recreates Evernote note links: Evernote ENEX import suggestion (or plugin) re: note links
The above link provides some background on the problem of Evernote ENEX format not preserving note links.
With @roman_r_m 's Quick Links plugin , this is even more feasible.
The idea is user selects a batch of notes and runs this note recreation plugin. The plugin searches those notes for evernote addresses, which look like evernote:///view/ followed by long alphanum…