Error: The specified item does not exist

Operating system


Joplin version


Desktop version info

Joplin 3.0.15

Sync target


What issue do you have?

Hello Support,

unfortunately I have not found anything suitable in the FAQ's.

I use Joplin 3.0.15 on Windows 10, when the Joplin is loaded I get the message “ Error: The specified item does not exist ”.
I synchronize to OneDrive.

When I try to start the synchronization, it is aborted with the message that this cannot be activated.

Can I please get a further answer on what steps to take?
Thank you, best regards Sammy

When do you get the error message? When you sync or when you start the program? Is it a Windows error message or a Joplin error message? Is it the same problem where sync gives an error message that it cannot be "activated" or are these two different issues?

Have you ever directly deleted items from your Joplin data store on OneDrive or directly from the C:\Users\<username>\.config\joplin-desktop\resources folder or manually manipulated the Joplin database?

If you are getting the errors from Joplin some debugging data may be of use.

Also is this a previous post of yours and if so what did you do to correct the problem between v2.1.8 and v.3.0.15? Did you correct the problem?

Just trying to get an idea of what is happening and when for those who may be able to help.

Thank you for contacting me so quickly, I am very pleased.

Here are your questions:

1 When do you get the error message? When you sync or when you start the program? Is it a Windows error message or a Joplin error message? Is it the same problem where sync gives an error message that it cannot be "activated" or are these two different issues?
2 Have you ever directly deleted items from your Joplin data store on OneDrive or directly from the C:\Users<username>.config\joplin-desktop\resources folder or manually manipulated the Joplin database?
3 If you are getting the errors from Joplin some debugging data may be of use.
Also is this a previous post of yours and if so what did you do to correct the problem between v2.1.8 and v.3.0.15? Did you correct the problem?
4 Just trying to get an idea of what is happening and when for those who may be able to help.

Here are my answers:

1 When I start Joplin I get the following message at the bottom left:
“ Error: The specified item does not exist ”

1 When I try to initiate a synchronization, the message changes to:
“ Error: Could not initialize synchroniser: The specified item does not exist ”

1 Both error messages are issued by Joplin.
1 This is the same problem in each case.

2 No, I have not yet made any changes to the data, neither on C: nor OneDrive

3 How can I provide you with debugging data? What do I need to do?

3 I have nothing to do with the entry of the other user Sammy from the story with version v2.1.8. This is a different case!

4 I understand you correctly if I interpret the hint in such a way that you want to try to interpret the errors better!

Thank you for this help

5 debugging data:

I was able to find debugging datas and save them via hardcopy.
How can I submit the entries?

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