Enabling and disabling spell check from the drop down itself


I'm not sure if it's a bug or by design . For the linux desktop app, the dropdown for spellcheck in the toolbar doesn't really activate spell check unless it has been checked in settings . This is a bit hard to find for new user .

If it is already been not implemented then the enabling and disabling could be done from the drop down itself labelling the item as Beta for additional clarity
Screenshot from 2021-03-15 22-49-44 (1)

The markdown spellchecker is not really meant for new users. Unfortunately, the markdown editor component that Joplin uses (CodeMirror) doesn't support native spellchecking, in fact, none of the popular javascript code editors support it to my knowledge. Joplin has some hacks in place to make spellchecking work, but it results in a degraded editor, so the toggle is placed inside the options with a warning for now.

Eventually this shouldn't be an issue any more and the markdown editor component will just support spell checking.

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