Embed remote images

Wow that is exactly what I am looking for!
Do you know by when this is planned to be implemented?

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Oh, that i can once try locally on my machine. If laurent approves this as a feature, then it can be surely merged.

It would be a plugin so if you'd like to implement this feel free to do so.

oh that'd make it a little harder to implement, as the GSoC is starting soon. But i can try later that or if any developer wanna go ahead and create that then i'd surely help him/her out.

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If you want to implement a plugin for uploading images pasted to joplin to the remote end (such as github/smms), you can take a look at [picgo-core]( PicGo/PicGo-Core: A tool for pictures uploading. Both CLI & API supports . (github.com)), it supports a lot of upload targets, refer to: PicGo/Awesome-PicGo: A collection of awesome projects using PicGo. ( github.com)

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Hi coderrsid,
did you have time to look into this plugin?
Unfortunately I really don't know how to achieve this.
Thanks in advance for your reply!