I'm wondering, is it possible to create a custom keyboard shortcut to make markings?
By markings i mean ==marking==
Maybe it's also possible to make a custom plugin to add a button among the rich-text buttons?
I'm using 1.7.11
Yes, the AutoHotKey script works well. But I still wouldn't mind a native keyboard shortcut in Joplin for highlighting selected text. Will be happy to have it whenever.
Thank you for your replies
Since I use Linux, I can't use AutoHotKey or Keybreeze.
Instead, I used an application called xdotool together with xclip.
I have the script executed by zsh when I press Ctrl + Alt + M.
I'm making the keymap using Gnome Shell keyboard settings.
xdotool keyup "ctrl+alt+m"
xdotool type "==$(xclip -o)=="
As you can see, there is an issue with retyping certain emojis, and it looks kinda weird marking long chunks – but it works! Undo also works. As you can see, I'm also using the Rich Markdown plugin.
My solution is kinda slow and glitchy.
It seems that Joplin 1.8.1 will support both Highlighting and Strikethrough by clicking buttons in the Rich text editor. Release v1.8.1 · laurent22/joplin · GitHub