Cannot decrypt items because it's corrupt or too large

I'm seeing this error regarding decrypting an item.

How can I find this item and either delete it or fix it. I see the resource id, but when I search for that it doesn't show. How can I tell which resource this is?

I'm using:
Joplin 2.3.5 (prod, win32)
Client ID: c57f6398d2f5440db0dfe5c130aa9c34
Sync Version: 3
Profile Version: 39
Keychain Supported: Yes
Revision: 819af3c

Syncing with Dropbox

If you go to Dropbox website or open the folder it syncs to on desktop (assuming you're syncing with a desktop) and go to Apps/Joplin there should be a file <resource id>.md where the id is the one on your screenshot.
If you open the file you should see the original file name - it might help you find the resource.

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I don't know if this will help: Have you tried looking for the resource name in Tools > Note Attachments…?

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Thanks! Searching on the Note-Attachments view helped me find and delete it. Cheers!

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