I was also mystified that anyone would would be using a pre-release on their actual note data. I assumed it was just devs using this. But when I read https://joplinapp.org/prereleases it does appear that they are billed as safe and that as a regular user you can help out by updating to them.
I'm not trying to criticize, but when I read the text at the top of this post, Pre-release v2.3 is now available it seems to be giving the message that there is a real chance you should not upgrade to this and instead test out on test data.
In hindsight, I would have suggested something more like
CAUTION: Don't upgrade if you sync with a mobile app or CLI
So basically if there is a known chance of things not working, as in this case, I recommend using "CAUTION" instead of "IMPORTANT".
I'd also recommend leading with the most direct (if not necessarily 100% likely) bad consequence possible. So, for example, in this post, Pre-release v2.3 is now available, just start out by saying you should only upgrade if you are using it to test.
In news reporting, they call it not burying the lede. Basically, don' start by explaining what's going on. People who do start to read may not understand and miss the important bit.
I'm sorry the devs have had to deal with so much negativity. I offer these only as friendly suggestions.