Are URL links on the roadmap?

This is a critical feature. I've used this functionality extensively in Evernote. How is the implementation coming along? I'd definitely be willing to commit one or two Dev's time to the implementation after an upcoming expansion.

Nothing has been done so far, but it's been discussed several times and we roughly know how it should be done. I've put a spec there if you or someone is interested in implementing it:

I've had a look over the development environment specification, and that should be fine.

As far as coding goes, even though I have not used Node.js or TypeScrypt before I am sure I will be able to pick those up promptly.

Are there any design level artefacts available, principally a system architecture document (e.g. UML diagram)?

With regard to the x-callback-url functionality. My principal target platform is actually Linux, as all my machines run or Debian. I believe that the equivalent to x-callback in Linux is custom URL protocol handlers [x-scheme-handler]. I would of course look to implement the functionality on all platform Joplin applications, however working on my native platform first will be most straight forward.

I'm not sure what the convention is i.e. whether I should have moved over to the GitHub issue already, so I will copy this message both here and there.

I've outlined a basic programme as follows:


  • A method will need to be coded for constructing the externally accessible (Data API) URL for the target note and copying it to the clipboard
    • This method should be accessible via:
      • UI button press
      • Context menu option
  • An openNoteExt() method will need to be coded to finally execute the changing of the active note in the Joplin application to the target note.


  • The Data API sub-system will need to call the openNoteExt() method upon receiving a request at the endpoint URL
  • The openNoteExt() method will need to change the active note in the Joplin application to the target note identified in the request URL, and to bring the Joplin application into focus if it is already open and in the background.
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Ok let's use the GitHub post for discussions and close this one.