Any suggestions on what plugins could be created?

When paste an image into a note, Joplin wiil save the image as an attachment. However, this is not portable. If you want to copy your note to other platform(for example, your online blog), you should reedit all of your images of the note.

Markdown support insert base64 encoded images. For example,



will be rendered as:


Many markdown render support rendering this. Thus, it will be more convience if Joplin can automatically onvert the pasted image to Base64 format. This function can be provided via a plugin so that the person who need it can enable it by theirself.

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Although, as I look at this more closely, I just discovered the API. I could envision most of what I need to do being done through separate processes interacting with the API.

To be honest, I just discovered joplin a week ago. Until now, I was really considering building my own bare bones notebook system in order to experiment on the data cataloging information I was actually interested in. I’m looking forward to digging into source code soon.

So, as far as plugins go, maybe (generally) allowing front-end plugins to interact with the API would be really helpful? You wouldn’t want the plugin to be able to run any arbitrary command on the local machine (obviously) so I’m not sure it gets me totally where I want to be, but it gets me much closer.

About search, info from CalebJohn : Codemirror issues

I really would like to see a way to create an interactive network graph like the one Trilium has, wher you can create network graphs with Notes as Nodes, and internal links as Edges …

If it also was possible to create a real interactive horisontal timeline with a customizable time scale it would be even better … a combination of d3.js and Timeline.js3 that do not use a google spreadsheet …

But where you could either create a timeline with links to Notes in a Notebook or just use date fields in Notes and Create the timeline with links between the Notes based on the notes you manually add …
In addition Zotero and csl-json support would be mostly all I needed …

Historical research would suddenly be so much easier to write about …

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Some no-unneeded-interaction screen shot like from OneNote: you trigger it by some key combination (preferably one that is configurable and isn’t taken over by the OS in the next minor update, yes I’m looking at you OneNote…), select a rectangular area with the mouse and then it appears automatically in Joplin as a new note in some predefined notebook.

I like that too :heart_eyes:

I would love this feature actually. A visual/graph representation would not only help in navigation, but it will also take note organisation to whole another level. You don't have to rely on directory structure to organize notes anymore.


I am actually working on a note graph system and have decided to move my work to the joplin app instead of building my own gui. I’m following this thread pretty closely.

Its exciting to see I’m not the only one thinking this way.

For what its worth, I’m also working on auto parsers that will create summaries and auto generate tags based on n-grams. The overall idea (for my research) is to implement a knowledge graph.


Direct export of notebook to Wiki

I often start on a new topic by researching and just dumping relevant information into one note. Over time, this note gets more detailed and sorted, and eventually split into multiple notes inside a notebook, where each note contains one aspect in more detail.

Afterwards, I have created a nice knowledge base, but noone else can access it :confused:

What would come in really handy is a plugin that allows to export this notebook directly into a (media)wiki. It can of course be done manually (using Pandoc, creating pages one by one, ...), but a plugin would be much nicer.


I'd also like a Pandoc plugin. I use pandoc extensively for file conversion to and from multiple formats. It's also nice because it allows for highly configurable options on the process so you get a perfectly formatted file, exact to your specifications. The ability to import additional file formats would be nice, but I think the real power behind the plugin would be increasing Joplin's export feature.

We can already export to JEX/RAW/MD/HTML/PDF, but there is no configuration outside of the userstyle.css file since it generates files based on the rendered markdown code. Ideally, there should be an Export tab in Preferences that allows you to set some basic settings for each file type, but anything outside of those few settings, I'd like to set Pandoc as my export engine for more complex configuration (though that's more of a core feature request, but I thought it fair to bring it up in this context). Using Pandoc to generate your output files would help in these use cases:

  • It moves the complex computations during rendering outside of Joplin
  • It allows for the export of more file types than currently supported
  • It allows for complex configuration of final rendered files, independent of your userstyle.css
  • It would allow you to support rendering individual notes within a notebook into a single output file

Hello Laurent,
I am a complete newbie and love Joplin alone for it’s offline capabilities - thank you so much for Joplin!
Asking for additional plugins: Marcobas asked for a lilypond plugin, which I would second. Perhaps alternatively - since there is a KaTex plugin already - what’s about a MusicTex plugin?

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Have anybody looked at Org-Mode? A great feature it provides is allowing tasks to be anywhere inside the notes.

We can have a plugin for improved inline ToDos and their auto-generated summaries similar to Org-Mode.

The ToDo tasks can be specified inside the notes in a specific format with separators, inline tags, projects, and scheduled/due/deadline timestamps.

The plugin will facilitate adding the tasks in this format inside the notes, prettify the output HTML, parse all notes for ToDos, and auto-generate summary notes, configurable by the user.

Some of the summaries can be:

  • Lists of ToDos ordered or filtered by some rules (priority, project, tag, timestamp).
  • A calendar note with the ToDos arranged by their timestamps.

There are a lot of possibilities for how the summaries can look. Many of them can be left configurable by users. For fast access to edit the ToDos inside the notes, summaries can provide clickable links.


I was just thinking about it. I love how Joplin works and essentially lets me express myself with Markdowns. I was thinking that is there a way present in Joplin today to create my own plugin? Can I find any guides on how to begin?

I recently wrote a plugin and improved one, that deals with mermaid diagrams and websequence diagrams along with Markdown. May be I can try bringing them to Joplin space?


Second embedded javascript and backlinks. I am trying to model my Joplin notes after the Notion app (specifically relational databases), and javascript would allow me to implement more sophisticated features. For now, I've linked scripts that use the Joplin API that execute in a terminal window when clicked. If there is interest, I'll consider writing a post explaining how I did this.


I would really appreciate if you could explain your solution.

I'd love to hear how you did this.

It's not entirely clear what "embedded javascript" means. For example a plugin would be JavaScript but I don't think that's what you mean. If you could describe what use case you have in mind it would help figuring out the feasibility of it.

User-defined string macros.

Can be used for anything, plain text of HTML, that requires abbreviation and shortcut tags. For example, for text highlighting with different colors.

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Yeeess! I'd love this feature!

Publish your note as a gh gist.

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