After deleting thousands of notes, how do I finish cleaning?


I deleted thousands of notes in my Joplin.

From what I see in the synchronization state and by observing the size of my .config\joplin-desktop folder, I have the impression that the cleaning has not been done everywhere.

Synchronization status (sync objects / total)
Note: 16503/16505
Folder: 211/211
Resource: 96504/96504
Tag: 4051/4051
NoteTag: 31084/31084
Revision: 1597/1597
Total : 149950/149952

Note: 3619/3619 There I see all the notes that I deleted :slight_smile:
Folder: 207/207
Resource: 96609/96609 There are as many resources as before :thinking:, I understand that they were therefore not deleted with their respective notes?
Tag: 4054/4054
NoteTag: 31113/31113
Revision: 15201/15201 I'm surprised by this large number of revisions, is this normal? :thinking:. I just turned off reviews, apply, sync but this figure is still huge.
Total : 150803/150803

Regarding resources, I just tried this tool, I tried the first step Check for unused ressources but it crashes with message Out of memory:

Do you recommend this tool?

Then, are there any others tasks I can do to finish my major cleaning?

Regarding tags, I read that they are never deleted, is that really the case, and if so, is that a problem?

Thanks :slight_smile:

What is your note history set to? Many of these items won't be removed until the note history period has elapsed.

When a note is deleted, a revision for it is automatically created so that's why you have many of these. I'm not sure if turning off note history would actually delete those - it will just ensure that new revisions are not created. Older revisions will probably be deleted as per the "Keep note history for" setting

Just a suggestion, being DB driven app, note, which are records in a DB are seldom ever really deleted, they are just marked as deleted until some clean utility runs to compress the DB again. I am not sure that this exists for Joplin.

Perhaps your best bet would be to export all your notes, completely delete your profile, then reimport the notes as new. This should make them as compact as possible.

This seems a bit overkill in lieu of just waiting for the revision deletion service to run and prune anything it needs to outside of the note history limit.

Hi :slight_smile:

I have the default setting 90 days on my two Joplin clients (Windows PC).

About Joplin first PC

Joplin 3.0.11 (prod, win32)

ID client : 773c93d7dee04e1289cb896f235df6a3
Version de Synchro : 3
Version du profil : 47
Trousseau supporté : Oui

Révision : 55eaedb

Backup: 1.4.1
Bidirectional Links: 0.1.2
Combine notes: 1.2.2
Favorites: 1.3.2
Menu items, Shortcuts, Toolbar icons: 1.1.0
Note list and sidebar toggle buttons: 1.0.3
Note overview: 1.7.1
Note Tabs: 1.4.0
Outline: 1.5.13
Quick Links: 1.3.2
Rich Markdown: 0.15.0
Search & Replace: 2.2.0

About Joplin second PC

Joplin 3.0.11 (prod, win32)

ID client : 1442e227e6af42d19aa8f41041c138ef
Version de Synchro : 3
Version du profil : 47
Trousseau supporté : Oui

Révision : 55eaedb

Backup: 1.4.1
Combine notes: 1.2.2
Note list (Preview): 1.1.0
Note overview: 1.7.1
Note Tabs: 1.4.0
Outline: 1.5.13
Rich Markdown: 0.15.0
Search & Replace: 2.2.0

I use a WebDAV server on my Synology NAS.

Ok, so if I understand correctly, I shouldn't deactivate the history but rather I should set the history for example to 1 day? (and once deleted I can put back 90 I imagine)

Do I need to set this setting on my 2 PCs?

This idea came to my mind. What do you think @laurent, is this a good idea following a big cleaning like the one I did?

I just set the history of my 2 Joplins to 1 day.
Is this supposed to also delete resources associated with deleted notes?

Thanks :slight_smile:


Following the adjustment of the history from 90 to 1 day, some good things happened:
One of my PCs seems to have finished cleaning up, in revisions and resources :slight_smile: :

Not downloaded: 0
Downloading: 0
Downloaded and decrypted: 13594
Downloaded and encrypted: 0
Created locally: 669
Error: 0

Sync status (synced items / total items)
Note: 3572/3572
Folder: 207/207
Resource: 14263/14263 :slight_smile:
Tag: 4054/4054
NoteTag: 31114/31114
Revision: 13/13 :slight_smile:
Total: 53223/53223

Conflicted: 0
To delete: 0

On the other hand, my other PC seems to be having trouble coping :frowning:. For several hours, the first number (Downloaded 3/82012) has hardly moved and the Joplin window sometimes doesn't respond:

It often ends up ending, like here:

but the synchronization status indicates this:

Not downloaded: 0
Download in progress: 0
Downloaded and decrypted: 564
Downloaded and encrypted: 0
Created locally: 14171
Error: 0
Synchronization status (sync objects / total)
Rating: 3572/3572
Folder: 207/207
Resource: 96249/14737 :frowning:
Tag: 4054/4054
NoteTag: 31114/31114
Revision: 12171/16 :frowning:
Total: 147367/53700 :frowning:

Conflicts: 0
To delete: 0

and if I restart the synchronization, it starts again from the little number (27/82013):

I tried to quit and restart Joplin, same issue.
Do you have any idea of ​​the problem?



I managed to resolve the issue on my second PC by doing:
Delete local data and re-download from sync target

The database may have been corrupted...