Problem with the "Resources" folder, due to the accumulation of garbage from deleted notes.

By chance I checked Joplin's own folder, "Resources", and it contained about 2.5 gigabytes of information, when I checked there were many images, videos, etc., of notes that I had deleted. I proceed to delete the excess and only about 13 megabytes of actually useful information remained. That is to say, I don't know that there is a function that deletes the junk content of that folder, and, furthermore, it would have been good if a single folder was created for each note created just for that note, and that it could also be exported to the version mobile from Joplin, just by copying and pasting, and that mutilemdia files, photos and others, are not unnecessarily renamed with alphanumerics.

They are probably still within your note history timespan. They should get deleted once it elapses.

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There is Joplin Batch Tools which can remove unused resources. It's not a plugin but a webpage written by a contributor to this forum. It works in your browser and can do more than just check for unused resources.

However, if you are not happy with using their webpage you can download the files and run it on your own webserver.

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I didn't experience such problem myself, but it sounds as if Joplin needs it's own garbage cleaner app ? But isn't Joplin doing this already anyway ?

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As @Daeraxa mentioned above, the unused/deleted resources should be cleaned automatically once the note history is over. I don't think this happens immediately though. I can't find the source right now, but I do remember reading somewhere that the cleanup took place only once per day or so.

You may want to try setting your note history to 1 day (or even disable it completely), then wait for 24+ hours, and then see whether those resources are still there.