Adding to existing notes

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Rich Text Editor

What issue do you have?

I am a counselor who uses the software to capture session notes. I imported my notes from Evernote. When I open one of the existing notes, it is in HTML.
How do I get it to open in Rich text, and save new comments in Rich text format?

Particularly on Android, it should be much easier to edit notes imported as Markdown.


  • There is only a Markdown/HTML editor on Android — no rich text.
  • It should be much easier to edit markdown notes on Android than HTML notes. (Toolbar buttons may not work with HTML notes).
  • The desktop app does have a rich text editor.

Importing from Evernote as markdown

To re-import all notes as markdown, in the desktop app,

  1. Select "Import", then "ENEX - Evernote Export File (as Markdown)":
    • This should import a copy of the notes from Evernote as Markdown.
  2. Sync

Desktop: Switching to the rich text editor

In the desktop app, the rich text editor can be enabled by clicking on this button:
Button: Toggle editors

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