As a first step I think it would be handy if you can create a table by marking boxes in a pop up window there you can have a look at an implementation of this idea:
hey everyone i made a rough implementation of the same here, do let me know if I should change something,any feedback is highly appretitated @bedwardly-down@PackElend
This looks really cool. One suggestion I would have is to put the Rows and Columns at the top of the dialog, and also to change it to rows x columns type.
It looks great and i do want to suggest something here which is the option to add columns/rows before and after like in note table and a draggable column (maybe ) .
Table button should be add to the markdown editor, like fenced code block, to make it equal to the WYSIWYG editor, which seems to be a kind of abandoned now
Seriously, tables is the most annoying things to do in Markdown, and a functional button to access to composition of table would be a great thing.