23 January 2023 11:47
Hi there,
I was wondering if is there a way to import tags from notes in Obsidian into Joplin.
I mean, I was using Obsidian for some months, and the way we handle tags there is very "simple", i.e., just a lot of words preceded by an "#".
Ex: #test #joplin #obsidian
I see the way Joplin handles this is different, and here we have properly fields for tags. So, someone know some way to import those tags to its respective notes once inside Joplin?
Thanks in advance.
5 February 2023 09:59
It looks like there is no built-in way to import these tags. You could achieve that by a custom script, though. The brief steps could be:
Parse the tags from the Obsidian notes -> Not sure how this would work, since I don't know much about Obsidian
Create or search the relevant notes in Joplin -> via data API
Add the tags to the notes -> via data API
Example of the steps 2 and 3 ("Add a tag to a note"): GitHub - marph91/joppy: Python interface for the Joplin data API
I tried to import obsidian into joplin script before, but unfortunately, I did not handle the obsidian tag correctly, ref:
If you don't know what joplin-blog is, let me briefly introduce it: it is a cli tool for converting joplin notes into other forms of content, supporting blog/wiki frameworks such as hexo, vuepress, docsify, jeykll. ref: https://discourse.joplinapp.org/t/joplin-note-sharing-tool/13480
Why started this rewrite?
The main reason is that some frameworks are currently supported, but it is still not enough. In my case, I have come into contact with the vitepress documentation generator.…
7 March 2023 14:59
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