Web clipper adds progress alerts and completion notifications

Web clipper adds progress alerts and completion notifications

I am a heavy user of web clipper. I find that if I want to make sure the web clipper actually clipped the page I need to keep waiting for the popup to indicate that it has been clipped successfully.

If I ignore it after I click on the confirm of the clip complete page and go do something else, there is a good chance that Joplin did not clipper.

I recorded two videos to illustrate my thoughts.

For the first video, Joplin needs to wait for the popup window until the prompt finishes if it wants to actually cut and hide a video:

For the second video, if I click on the web clipper’s confirm button after going to do other tasks, there’s a good chance that Joplin didn’t clipper successfully. The second video is a bit long, and you can see that Joplin didn’t clipper successfully, but Joplin didn’t prompt.

In conclusion.

web clipper to add progress and task completion prompts

If I’m using a web clipper, I need to wait for the Joplin web clipper popup window to prompt for progress to complete.
If I click on the web clipper’s confirm button and go do something else, then Joplin did not include this article.