Hi. I am trying to contribute to the codebase using VScode and it comes with a .vscode/settings.json which overwrites my own settings. Surely is up to each developer how they want to setup their editor, I don't understand why a settings.json is imposed upon us. Thanks.
Actually never mind, I just spent a couple of hours trying to install nix and all the rest and got nowhere, it's just too much of an hassle
EDIT: Not sure how to close the topic, but it can be closed
We don't use nix, and the settings is to let you know about spelling mistakes which will prevent you from committing the code
Here it says devbox is a requirement, and nix is a requirement of devbox.
< joplin/readme/dev/BUILD.md at dev · laurent22/joplin · GitHub >
I actually already use cSpell, but additionaly I have my own extensions and colors and stuff which I am very fond of.
Anyway thanks for the free app, it's very nice and use it daily, I just won't be able to contribute to it
devbox is not a requirement - it's an optional tool that can make it easier to setup the environment. If you don't want to use it, you can manually install what's needed based on the list that's linked in the BUILD document: joplin/devbox.json at dev · laurent22/joplin · GitHub
I've never tried the devbox method mentioned but as I understand it should work too. It's new though so if there's any issue feedback is welcome.
Me too, and that config file doesn't override this. Normally it should take the one setting with have in this file (cspell) and apply this, but anything else should remain unchanged.
Laurent, the non desruptive way to achieve that would be to have an .vscode/extensions.json
file with
"recommendations": [
Me too, and that config file doesn't override this. Normally it should take the one setting with have in this file (cspell) and apply this, but anything else should remain unchanged.
I think you are getting mixed up between the global and project-specific settings. It's true, if I have no project-specific settings and only the global ones, then it would work as you described. But I create a project-specific .vscode/settings for each of my projects. Why? Because some of my global settings need to be overridden. For example I use prettier in my global settings, joplin doesn't, so I need to turn off prettier in the joplin/.vscode/settings.json. But I can't, because you have committed that file to the repo, so it is no longer my personal file, it is shared with everyone who works on this project.
According to the link page, that would only suggest what extensions should be installed, not whether certain settings should turned on or not. We don't just want the extension to be installed, we want cSpell.enabled
to be true
for the project. I couldn't see any obvious way to do this, but I agree it's not ideal to have this file there if some users want to have additional per-project settings.