Visual vss text/links

I have spent a lot of time researching this topic...
I have wanted Joplin to become more visual.

In the past i have used Android apps that would clip a website for me. This is still the primary way that i would like to use Joplin. If a webpage is clipped in it's entirety then its easy to scroll through later and find what I'm looking for. Currently that's not the Joplin way. There is only words, tags, links, etc.

I have read much of the discussion about clipping pages in Android, and it appears to be almost impossible for Joplin devs to implement this... So this is my alternative suggestion:

Can Joplin Android (an other OS) clip a pic from the webpage and insert it as an icon associated with the title? An option of this would be to insert your own clip, pic, icon, etc. in its place.

This would allow me to quickly and visually scroll through the notes to find what i was looking for.

Comments please.