Undo of deletion not possible?

Version: Joplin 2.8.8 (prod, win32) Revision: c2a6a13
Windows 10

im trying to undo a deletion/cutting of a text, but its not working. Is this intended?
I can undo any typing i do, but i cant undo if something got deleted.
Please assist.

Ctrl+Z should work?

hmmm. the hotkey combo works indeed, but the option in menu does not.
is this problem known?

I just tried to undo a delete today using the menu item undo and it did not work for me either. I am happy to know a CTRL+Z will work.

Joplin 2.8.8 (prod, win32)

Sync Version: 3
Profile Version: 41
Keychain Supported: Yes

Revision: c2a6a13

I did a little more investigation on this. I found if I used the Delete (Back) key to delete individual characters the menu Edit/Undo would work.

If I highlighted a block of characters then used the Delete (Back) key to delete the highlighted characters as a block, Edit/Undo would not work but CTRL+Z would undo the block deletion.

Interesting behavior.

Joplin 2.8.8 (prod, win32)

Sync Version: 3
Profile Version: 41
Keychain Supported: Yes

Revision: c2a6a13

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