UI: remove tag dialog box, have tag input field directly next to editor

Adding tags shouldn't require an entire dialog box. If the tag input field could be moved from the dialog box down to the editor (in place of the tag list view), it would help modernize the look of the program and decrease friction.
Of course, it would require changing the behavior of the tag input field a bit. I thought of so far:

  • Instead of pressing OK modify tag database immediately
  • Make the dropdown menu grow upwards.
  • Show 'x' only when hovering over a tag (if possible), have rounded corners for tags
  • Specify the tag onClick behavior.
  • There's also the issue of what to do if the tags reach the end of the screen. Should the tag input field take multiple rows? Probably not. As of now you can't horizontally scroll the tag list view in the note editor, but you should. For readability’s sake, the dropdown menu should start where the cursor is.

I could work on this, but is removing the dialog box wished for?