I wrote a small PHP (sorry) script that takes a Turtl backup (JSON) file and turns it into a directory structure with markdown files. These can then easily be imported into joplin via “import MD (markdown)”, creating (sub)notebooks to reflect the original structure in Turtl.
This imports text and password notes, other types are not supported but could be retrofitted easily. No file import either. Hereby MIT license for compatibility.
function sanitize_filename($s) {
$s = preg_replace('/[_\/\|\"]/',' ',$s) ;
$s = preg_replace('/\.+/','.',$s) ;
return $s ;
if ( !isset($argv[1]) ) {
die ("USAGE: {$argv[0]} turtl_backup_file.json") ;
$j = json_decode ( @file_get_contents($argv[1]) ) ;
if ( !isset($j) or $j === null ) {
die ("File {$argv[1]} does not exist, or is not valid JSON") ;
@mkdir ( "output_md" ) ;
#@mkdir ( "output_md/no_board" ) ;
$spaces = [] ;
foreach ( $j->spaces AS $s ) {
$spaces[$s->id] = sanitize_filename($s->title) ;
@mkdir ("output_md/{$s->title}" ) ;
$boards = [];
foreach ( $j->boards AS $b ) {
$space_name = $spaces[$b->space_id] ;
$board_title = "{$space_name}/" . sanitize_filename($b->title) ;
$boards[$b->id] = $board_title ;
@mkdir ( "output_md/$board_title" ) ;
foreach ( $j->notes as $n ) {
if ( !isset($n->board_id) or $n->board_id === null ) $board_title = $spaces[$n->space_id] ;
else $board_title = $boards[$n->board_id] ;
$add = '' ;
do {
$filename = "output_md/{$board_title}/" . sanitize_filename($n->title) ;
if ($add == '' ) $add = 2 ;
else {
$filename .= "-{$add}" ;
$add++ ;
$filename .= '.md' ;
$continue = file_exists($filename) ;
} while ($continue) ;
# Support more note types here
if ( isset($n->password) ) $text = $n->password ;
else $text = $n->text ;
file_put_contents ( $filename , $text ) ;