Turn off auto-indent and auto-tag closing?

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Joplin version


What issue do you have?

Can we turn off the auto-indention pf some html stuff and auto closing of tags (i.e. it adding when I type

  • ?)

    I'm used to dealing with html raw text (I'm from the old coding days) and it's driving me nuts.

    It's ruined some of my formatting. And I keep having to fix these!

  • In Configuration => Note, you have an option to disable auto-quotes, etc.

    I'm linking to an upstream question about disabling HTML tag autocomplete: Markdown: Disable HTML tag auto-close - v6 - discuss.CodeMirror

    At present, it seems that a CodeMirror 6 Markdown editor with completeHTMLTags: false still auto-closes HTML tags. (The editor in Joplin desktop >= 3.1 is based on CodeMirror 6).

    Edit: Additional links:

    1 Like

    I'm linking to the relevant pull request:

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