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Can we turn off the auto-indention pf some html stuff and auto closing of tags (i.e. it adding when I type
I'm used to dealing with html raw text (I'm from the old coding days) and it's driving me nuts.
It's ruined some of my formatting. And I keep having to fix these!
In Configuration => Note, you have an option to disable auto-quotes, etc.
I'm linking to an upstream question about disabling HTML tag autocomplete: Markdown: Disable HTML tag auto-close - v6 - discuss.CodeMirror
At present, it seems that a CodeMirror 6 Markdown editor with completeHTMLTags: false
still auto-closes HTML tags. (The editor in Joplin desktop >= 3.1 is based on CodeMirror 6).
Edit : Additional links:
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I'm linking to the relevant pull request:
← personalizedrefrigerator:pr/editor/settings-for-disable-auto-indent-and-complete
opened 04:02PM - 16 Oct 24 UTC
# Summary
This pull request adds a setting to disable markup autocompletion, … as [requested on the forum](https://discourse.joplinapp.org/t/turn-off-auto-indent-and-auto-tag-closing/40382?u=personalizedrefriger).
> [!NOTE]
> This pull request builds on https://github.com/laurent22/joplin/pull/11221 — a [new CodeMirror API](https://discuss.codemirror.net/t/markdown-disable-html-tag-auto-close/8660/2) is required to disable HTML tag autocomplete.
# Screen recording
[Screencast from 2024-10-16 08-29-41.webm](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/d5f20d89-be2e-4fc5-a9eb-54b1a9c60688)
**Note**: The screen recording shows the new setting with a different label. The setting label was changed in https://github.com/laurent22/joplin/pull/11222/commits/3f1d42b6c2b05a4b48a054942913e71750de04d1.
# Testing plan
**Desktop (Fedora 40)** and **Android 13**:
1. Disable markup autocomplete in settings > note > advanced.
2. Type:
1. this
2. is
3. a
4. test
and verify that list numbers **are not** inserted automatically after pressing <kbd>enter</kbd>.
3. Press <kbd>enter</kbd>.
4. Type `<div>`.
5. Verify that a `</div>` closing tag was **not** inserted automatically.
6. Close the `<div>`.
7. Add two new lines and type <kbd>(</kbd>.
8. **Desktop only**: Verify that a closing `)` has been inserted.
- Automatch brackets is a separate setting.
9. **Desktop only**: Disable braces automatch and enable HTML autocomplete.
10. Move the cursor to the end of the 2nd list item.
11. **On desktop,** Press <kbd>tab</kbd>. If on mobile, press the indent button.
12. Verify that the list item has been indented and renumbered (`1.` instead of `2.`).
13. **Desktop only**: Near the end of the note, type `(`. Verify that no closing `)` is added.
14. On a new line, type `<div>`. Verify that a closing `</div>` is added.
Please prefix the title with the platform you are targetting:
Here are some examples of good titles:
- Desktop: Resolves #123: Added new setting to change font
- Mobile, Desktop: Fixes #456: Fixed config screen error
- All: Resolves #777: Made synchronisation faster
And here's an explanation of the title format:
- "Desktop" for the Windows/macOS/Linux app (Electron app)
- "Mobile" for the mobile app (or "Android" / "iOS" if the pull request only applies to one of the mobile platforms)
- "CLI" for the CLI app
If it's two platforms, separate them with commas - "Desktop, Mobile" or if it's for all platforms, prefix with "All".
If it's not related to any platform (such as a translation, change to the documentation, etc.), simply don't add a platform.
Then please append the issue that you've addressed or fixed. Use "Resolves #123" for new features or improvements and "Fixes #123" for bug fixes.
AND PLEASE READ THE GUIDE: https://github.com/laurent22/joplin/blob/dev/readme/dev/index.md
24 November 2024 03:23
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