When I create a markdown file manually and import it using File/Import/Raw, Joplin creates the note with the time properties set to exactly the same values specified in the file.
The time properties are:
- created_time
- updated_time
- user_created_time
- user_updated_time
If I set these to any time I choose, will sync still work properly?
I expected the first two to be (re)set by Joplin during the import, but it doesn’t look like it happened. When I exported the imported notes, the time properties were identical to my file ie they weren’t changed to the actual time I did the import.
FYI using Joplin for Desktop 1.0.161
created_time and updated_time are application variables so you should not change them. The user_* variables however can be used if you want to manually set the time. They should normally not be changed by the application.
I have notes in a non-standard format that I want to bulk import into Joplin using JEX/RAW.
As I am creating the JEX files outside of Joplin, I need to set the initial values of created_time and updated_time. I guess it doesn’t matter what time I set them to, as Joplin has not seen the notes yet.
For any note that already exists in Joplin, I understand I shouldn’t touch the timestamps contained within their JEX files.