Just got a notification that I'd been on the forum for a year, so I checked and looks like I have been using Joplin for a little over a year now (over 2000 notes!). It has come so far in that time and been a huge part of my daily workflow. Thanks for @laurent and others for all the hard work.
Heh, join the club. I too joined Joplin one year ago as a refugee from Evernote. Never once looked back... Evernote is an even bigger mess than ever before and Joplin gets more awesome by the day.
Thanks @uxamanda, and glad to have you here. Your feedback on the pre-releases and input on how to improve the app usability and design is always much appreciated!
I should not have reached a year yet, but personally, I feel that there are advantages and disadvantages
I may not be a typical Joplin user as I hardly use its interface but use the VSCode plugin
And thank you to you, @uxamanda for all the help you give the community.
Although I am not very involved, just taking the opportunity to add my own big 'thank you' (to Laurent and all the others) to this thread after certainly more than a year now. Extremely useful application, especially on my journey progressively leaving MacOS for Linux and Open Source...