Text to table

I’m looking for a plugin, or the feature, to have the possibility to convert text to table (markdown ou html).

I looked for the existing plugin, but I did not find something like this. Did I have missed one plugin witch do that or not ?
Is it a usefull request ?


@Desmoric welcome to the forum.

The Paste Special plugin lets you paste CSV text files as Markdown tables. Is that suitable?

thank you for your welcome :slight_smile: and your answer

Paste special is a possibility I tested. This plugin is usefull when a table is already exist.

I would liki to know if another solution can be used when a text is writed directly in Joplin.

How does your text look like? If it's not separated by any special characters (e. g. tab, comma) already, you will need some custom plugin most likely.

Because I write my own text, I can do what I want (tab, comma) to make table easyer to do like :
word 1,word 2
word1 word2

It doesn’t matter, I can do what the plugin or feature need.

In that case, @Desmoric

  1. if you type:
column A, column B
value A1, value B1
value A2, value B2
  1. copy (or cut) the text
  2. and use Edit -> Paste Special -> CSV as Table (assuming that you have the Paste Special plugin installed)
  3. the plugin will paste in your note the table:
| column A |  column B | 
| --- | --- | 
| value A1 |  value B1 | 
| value A2 |  value B2 | 

which renders as:

column A column B
value A1 value B1
value A2 value B2

Thank you for this exeamples, it's really what I wanted :ok_hand:

I tried and I think it's a good solution for me.