Quick question - how do I set the master key for the terminal app?
I ask as I am getting this when trying to sync with e2ee disabled:
2022-09-28 08:00:21: "DecryptionWorker: cannot start because no master key is currently loaded."
I have tried:
joplin --debug --log-level debug sync --target 3
and this when enabling e2ee:
joplin --debug --log-level debug e2ee enable --password MY_TOP_SECRET_PASSWORD_(NOT_THIS)
this is what the log reports
2022-09-28 09:42:34: e2ee/utils: "Trying to load 1 master keys..."
2022-09-28 09:42:34: e2ee/utils: "findMasterKeyPassword: No master password is defined - trying to get master key specific password"
2022-09-28 09:42:34: e2ee/utils: "Loaded master keys: 0"