Synronization with File System issue

Operating system


Joplin version


Desktop version info

Joplin 3.1.24
Debian 12

Sync target

File System


Markdown Editor

What issue do you have?

Tried to set Joplin zyncronization with the local direcotory on Debian 12 '/home/user/Nextcloud_Server/Joplin'. Set this path in the "Directory to synchronise with (absolute path)" field.
Instead of syncronizing, Joplin created its own path '/home/user/Nextcloud_server/Joplin' ignoring the origianal path with capital "S" ( Nextcloud_Server). No syncronization took place. It seems Joplin does not see the local folder at all. No sync performed not with original folder neither with "new" one.
I don't want to use WebDAV (working too slow), so I used to use syncronizyng notes using Nextcloud folders. What wrong with the application to recognize the path to local Nextcloud folder there?