Absolutely cannot get Joplin-Nextcloud-Android to sync!

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Rich Text Editor

What issue do you have?

I have my Nextcloud acct setup and working great. I can sync Joplin to my desktop with no problems. But no matter how I try and configure my Z Fold 4 Android device, it will not sync with Joplin. I've entered my Nextcloud password, my webdav link, and even tried to enter the new current session password from Nextcloud. Nothing works. Is Nextcloud worth the sync or should I just stick with Onedrive since that's working. Any help is appreciated. Thanks

Howdy, I am assuming like me you are running Nextcloud on Linux & syncing to Windows desktop (+ of course Android mobile). It sounds like you have a Joplin folder set up correctly as you can sync to desktop but to be certain:

The Joplin sync folder should be called Joplin & be in All Files on your Nextcloud.

In a browser, log in to your Nextcloud homepage then >Files then select Files Settings (bottom left) & check the WebDAV url. To sync with Joplin add /Joplin to the end of it

So the WebDAV Joplin folder sync path will look something like this (assuming not using an external drive):

  • The Joplin folder name is case sensitive.
  • I'm trawling my memory now, but if you use an external drive for your Nextcloud data the WebDAV url might be slightly different. If I remember correctly from the last time I set up Nextcloud using an external drive, the name given to the external drive must not contain any spaces or it will not sync.

In Android mobile Joplin app, Configuration >Syncronisation

  • Syncronisation target = Nextcloud
  • Nextcloud WebDAV url = ensure matches url above (including /Joplin at the end)
  • Nextcloud username = your user name
  • Nextcloud password = your password

Tap Check sync configuration to ensure it works.

Toggle sync only over WiFi on/off.

Things to note:

  • Joplin mobile app will not sync in background
  • The app must be open in the foreground & the screen must be kept on by manually touching it occasionally until sync completes
  • This can take some time depending on number of notes

Once you have it sorted it should work flawlessly. Some say sync is slow on Nextcloud, the initial sync can be but after that, syncing note updates works very quickly between my various PC's & mobile (a few seconds). I've had absolutely no isssues syncing with Nextcloud.

Good luck

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Does nothing happen at all or are there error messages?

I am sure that it would help the devs if you could provide a debug report from the app. The log should specifically reveal why the app will not sync.

Using Dropbox, rather than NextCloud, but I had a terrible time syncing to my Samsung tablet. Be aware that sync only works in foreground. My tablet kept going to sleep after 30 minutes (the longest setting in the standard settings).

To workaround that, I installed kinscreen, it has a setting in the notification area "Tap to keep screen on indefinitely", and using that, was then able to sync the tablet (for the first large sync). Later (small) syncs don't seem to be a problem.

@crispeto Did the explanation of @zimmer did you help to get sync work!
I do the same with an Joplin folder in my nextcloud home directory.
Hint: If you make the Android initial sync, don't keep any other syncs for Windows or Linux active to avoid problems.
For my Android sync works well.
Please try the latest Android Version 3.1.2

Another hint: if you use the automatic OCR on Joplin desktop for pdf and pictures, another sync to Android my take time because all changed pictures and PDF files has to be synced again as an attachment.

In my experience, the sync process works OK after the initial sync is completed. But it can be very difficult to complete the initial sync. This is with an Android device using WebDAV on Nextcloud.

I have been trying to complete an initial sync for several days, but I am never able to complete it. One issue is that the Android device (a Samsung tablet) has a maximum wake time of 30 minutes. If the device goes to sleep, Joplin immediately fails when the device wakes up. The error is a timeout on the lock file.

I found that there is a developer option to prevent the tablet from going to sleep. Using that, I find that Joplin just fails at some random point with a network request error. Fails typically happen with less than 1500 items.

The profile I'm trying to sync has 20,000 items. The highest I have ever gotten is 5000 items. At that point, sync takes about 3 seconds per item which would mean 16 hours. But sync typically slows down as more items are added. On another device it required approximately 10 seconds per item.

Another Android device which is synced to the same profile is able to operate OK, but it has been syncing continuously as the items were added.

I have given up on getting the new device to sync.

Just a thought, I havent tried this myself but have you tried exporting your notes then importing a .jex file directly into Joplin on the Android device? Joplin should then just cross reference the files rather than downloading them to the device which should avoid the errors that you're seeing?

It might be worth exporting your notes into smaller chunks rather than a single huge .jex file

Ok are you ready for this? I finally got it working over the dumbest reason! My nextcloud username is my email address. It's put into the webdav url but when I copy it over it changes the @ sign to %40. Once I deleted the %40 and changed it to the @ sign everything works and syncs great between my tab s8, z fold, and my laptop. Seriously thanks to all of you for helping me out. I appreciate it!

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