Switch between rich text editor and markdow editor

Operating system


Joplin version


Desktop version info

Joplin 3.2.8 (prod, win32)

Client ID: 0bf4e26be4954d0d8fa62980c647104e
Sync Version: 3
Profile Version: 47
Keychain Supported: Yes

Revision: d458648

Backup: 1.4.2
Freehand Drawing: 2.13.0


Rich Text Editor

What issue do you have?

How to switch from markdown editor and rich text editor

I don't remember how but I've switched to rich text editor and now I can't switch back to markdown editor
the View / Toggle Editor Layout (Ctrl+L) is disabled

View/Editor layout exists only for Markdown editor -- not for Rich Text editor. Hence you can use Toggle View/Editor layout only when your note is opened in Markdown editor.

maybe a dummy question: how to open my note in markdown editor?
when I was freshly install joplin, it's showed up with markdown editor - with 2 panel, markdown and preview, now it 's only showed with 1 panel rich text editor :frowning:
I want the markdown back soo much :pleading_face:

markdown Markdown Editor

richtext Rich-Text Editor

To explain:

Joplin has two different editors that users can use for note-taking.

The icon shown by the arrow below is for the Rich-Text Editor. When you press this button you get to use an all-in-one, single pane, WYSIWYG editor for your notes. The button is dark when active.


The other button (in the red square below) is the Markdown Editor. The button is dark when active.


The arrow in the second picture points at the Toggle Editor Layout button which changes the layout. Each time you press it it will cycle between editor only, split view and viewer only. The same can be done using CTRL+L or View > Toggle editor layout.

You have to be using the Markdown Editor for these to work.

If you do not want to cycle through all three views when you press the Toggle Editor Layout button, the sequence can be controlled using the View > Layout button sequence menu option.

In split view the Markdown editor will be split into two panes, side by side, one showing the Markdown you are editing and the other how it looks when rendered.


I've chosen the "Viewer/ Split View"
but the viewer editor still stuck with rich text editor, not markdown editor.
is there any idea to get split view back ? May I re-install it?

This button (1) being active means you have switched to the Rich-Text Editor. As I stated above this is an all-in-one editor and there is not a split screen option as it is not required.

This is NOT "Viewer mode".

When this button (2) is selected you have switched to the Markdown Editor. This option can be set to show split screen by:

  • Keeping button 2 switched to Markdown (M🡇) so you stay with the Markdown Editor as the active editor and
  • Pressing the Toggle editor layout button (3) to toggle the view between editor only, split view and viewer only (or whatever option you have selected) or
  • Pressing CTRL+L to toggle the view or
  • Pressing View > Toggle editor layout in the main menu.

When the selected layout includes the ability to actually edit a note (editor only layout / split view layout) the toolbar (4) will become active.

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thank you very much :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes: for this tips
I've successfully switch back to my beloved 2-panel mode