Support for links to local file?

It works with file:// for me on Linux

it works with both %20% and + for me.

Is it possible to open a pdf to a certain page via link to local files.
Say I have a pdf at /home/abc/file.pdf

In markdown this works fine as it should.


However, when I try to specify the page number


Nothing happens. On seeing the journalctl logs I see this error.

Feb 19 01:13:08 appimagekit-joplin.desktop[7182]: gio: file:////home/abc/file.pdf%23page=4: Error when getting information for file “//home/abc/file.pdf#page=4”: No such file or directory

I have tried to URL encode the path, like so


but this still doesnt work.

Shouldn't joplin just check for the existence of file://home/abc/file.pdf instead of file://home/abc/file.pdf#page=4

Apparently not and it appears to be a limitation of PDFs, not Joplin.

This page is Adobe's info on opening a pdf at a specific page.

It states:

If you use URLs containing local hard drive addresses (c:\folder), you cannot link to page numbers or set destinations.

... a link to a page number works only if you use HTTP or HTTPS locations.

@dpoulton This is not a limitation of any PDF software in general; This might be a limitation of Adobe.

I quite extensively use #page=n on linux with "MasterPDFEditor5" and "PdfStudio 2021" It works fine while launching pdfs from other apps I use like VScode.

Moreover if I try the following command in chrome it works, just fine.


I do think this might be a bug in joplin here.

Interesting. I read the Adobe article as being a restriction of the PDF file format itself rather than what is used to read it.

But yes you are right, I can open a PDF at a specific page just using Firefox on Linux with file:///home/name/folder/test.pdf#page=4.