Week 2 Report


This report summarizes my second week of work on the "mobile editor improvements" GSoC project.

Over the past week

This week I plan to

  • Fix the lack of alt text for some buttons in the mobile app (e.g. back button, edit note button)
  • Make the mobile editor do syntax highlighting
    • in math environments
    • in embedded code blocks (only using languages provided by the base lezer organization).
  • Add "insert image" and "add link" buttons to the toolbar.
  • Finalize the design of the toolbar.

I think we should support the same set of languages as the desktop app to avoid any dispairity beween the two (although the rendered html does seem to support significantly more than the editor currently).


I've opened a PR with this:

Does this PR check the state of the markdown.plugin.katex setting?
I think that if this is off then syntax highlighting for Katex blocks shouldn't show when it could be unintended, especially as it isn't "standard" markdown.

I didn't know that setting existed! I'll update the PR.


That's done! Thank you for catching this!