Hi all,
Here is a simple python script that I wrote using the foxmask joplin-api package. It does...
- Search for a template sentence (here: "Random note") in a specific note
- Replace the next line in the note with a link to a random note
I run the script once per day to update my Joplin "Dashboard" note. Reviewing random old notes helps me remembering stuff, and recognizing connections between topics.
Explanatory screenshot:
import asyncio
from joplin_api import JoplinApi
import random
import json
joplin = JoplinApi(token='813f1dd7df3c2dba6a85702e1ed2cd141ed56482bf2ba24ef2847537523ee784fe019e0c30350a03ebfcb0890ef39d7e761189cf740e01638ad966c1889f6b48')
note_id = '572977ec0734468cbc2a33d6143a1453'
async def get_notes():
result = await joplin.get_notes()
return result.content
async def get_note(id):
result = await joplin.get_note(id)
return result.content
async def update_note(id, data):
await joplin.update_note(id, **data)
return None
def update_line(string, search_string, inserted_string):
lines = string.split('\n')
for i, line in enumerate(lines):
if search_string in line:
lines[i+1] = inserted_string
new_string = "\n".join(lines)
return new_string
def get_random_id():
bytestring = loop.run_until_complete(get_notes())
notes = json.loads(bytestring) # convert bytestring to json / dictionary
random_note = random.choice(notes) # Choose random note
return random_note['id'], random_note['title'] # Return id and title
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
rnd_id, rnd_title = get_random_id()
# Retrieve note data
bytestring = loop.run_until_complete(get_note(note_id))
data = json.loads(bytestring) # Convert bytestring to json
# Change body
data['body'] = update_line(data['body'], 'Random note:', '[{:s}](:/{:s})'.format(rnd_title, rnd_id))
loop.run_until_complete(update_note(note_id, data))
Some remarks:
- You need to modify the first lines (token & note ID) to your needs
- Joplin needs to be running while running the script
- For some reason, the script does delete the tags of the note
- Use with caution! I'm not a developer, and have certainly neglected some edge-cases. Make backups before playing around with it!
Update 02/2021: Script does not work currently, probably due to recent changes of the API (pagination).