Since OneDrive sync error this morning each sync fetches all items?

on what Platform?


As others say, it is working on Windows again, it might be another problem in your case?

It can be synchronized, but some files are missing. This is something I cannot accept. I will not use onedrive to synchronize until the problem is completely fixed.

Did you delete the joplin-folder and reconfigured the app as @DawMatt said? And if so can you say which steps are necessary to get to a state where some files are not synchronized?

I don't want to use some specific steps to deal with them. I just need onedrive to be able to synchronize correctly. If it can't, I will give it up. There is nothing that can't be replaced, it's just the cost.

I can understand that. It is annoying that Microsoft is not getting it right. But it seems that you are the only still having problems with onedrive after upgrading to 1.6.6 ...

I tried the new version (1.6.5 on Windows 10 and the sync worked for some time. Now the problem with the endless sync is back again.

Same issue as alabamachrome. Seemed to work on Win10 (after deleting joplin-desktop) and Android (after clearing app data) for a time on 1.6.5 but then came back yesterday.

As noted recently I'd found that v1.6.6 of Joplin had fixed this issue on both Mac and Windows.

I'd since tried the Android v1.6.6 app and it also resolved the issue. It wasn't necessary for the existing app data to be purged first, but as I'd already done that the day before the previous purge might have already cleaned things up enough that the new version would work properly.

Unfortunately the error has come back. Both my Mac and Android devices are currently in the middle of resyncing all my notes even though this is unnecessary, and the "fetched items" count seems to keep building with every sync.

This is getting to the point where I'll need to delete the app from my mobile devices. This constant syncing is destroying their battery life.

Wish I knew. I'm still relatively new, I've been using a NextCloud host ( and besides a brief outage one day I haven't seen a single issue. I haven't used a 'true' WebDAV (or any other) sync target myself but there are a list of WebDAV providers on the faq that seem to work.

I've updated the bug report on GitHub, but not with good news unfortunately:

If you have issue with infinite sync, please give a try to the latest release:

The following has been changed:

  • Removed support for OneDrive delta sync and switched to basic sync. It means that sync will be a bit slower, especially when starting, but the result should be more predictable.
  • Made error handling more tolerant to take into account how unreliable the OneDrive API has become. It's supposed to be a JSON API but it can randomly return JSON, plain text, or HTML pages so the app now takes this into account and retry the requests in these cases. It also retries more slowly to increase the chances the request will succeed.

If you notice any issue, please let me know. If it's working fine I'll apply the same fix to the mobile and cli apps.


Wich brings up a quest(ion) that has been solved multiple times probably, although I‘m unable to find the Solution.: How to initiate a new sync to a new empty source, without all the „loosing files“ hassle. (My WebDav seems to have limitations, I just reached)

This might help - FAQ | Joplin
(Realised the automatic link format makes it look like I'm being facetious, it is in fact a link to a section within the FAQ about changing the sync target)

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