Showing [Image: :/...] instead images itself in the preview

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What issue do you have?

Showing [Image: :/1ca8c25c74de4a36b89cc1a29224d0b8] in preview, instead of image itself, and on my phone it looks like this.


In the rich editor mode, it's normal. All images displayed normally.

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Isn't it some plugin that is doing this?

No, not using other plugin other than default one(backup).

It appears that there is more text / markdown above the image that does not display.

Just wondering if there is something wrong with the formatting before that <img> tag that causes the image not to display in the render pane but, for some reason, is ignored by the Rich-Text Editor???

I don't think it's the other text that's causing the problem, I've extracted this problematic image into a newly created note, and as a comparison I've also extracted the normal one below it

Also the notes are displayed the same as the rich text section when synced to an Android phone, so it shouldn't just be a pc side issue!

To summarize the phenomenon I found:

Sorry for the text in image (new user only allow upload one picture)

What is the format / file type of the image that does not display?

I can only duplicate an <img> image displaying in the Markdown render pane in the format [Image: :/1ca8c25c74de4a36b89cc1a29224d0b8] when the image is a type that the renderer cannot display. However I have not so far found an image type that the Markdown renderer cannot display but the RTE can...

The image is BMP type.

Initially the note was displaying perfectly fine on my phone, then suddenly all the imgs in the note stopped displaying, not sure what cause that happend.

I thought I had tried BMP but obviously not!

It appears that the Markdown render pane cannot display BMP images but the Rich Text Editor can.

I can duplicate what you are seeing on the desktop app (v3.0.15).


Same occurs when using a "normal" Markdown link - ![facepalm.bmp](:/bc13414a486e4204ae9ecb49c0b4a3f9)

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It's a bit strange, I remember seeing pictures on my phone properly, on the phone it using RTE, right?

On my Android client the Markdown Editor and viewer are two different screens. You only get the viewer when you quit from the editor.

Previous posts indicate that it was known that the BMP image format was one that Joplin did not display. However the fact that one editor actually displays BMP images whilst the other does not is an inconsistent behaviour and so I have created a GitHub issue for consideration.

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I'm linking a pull request that should fix the issue: