Share notebooks and collaborate on them using Joplin Server 2.0

I would really like to have shared notebooks but I don't want to have a proprietary server backend to do so (and I have a working Nextcloud sync and would prefer to not need to install a dedicated server for one feature). Is there any way to do this now without Joplin server?

Awesome feature, I just setup Joplin server for this feature and its working great.


For those of us using shared notebooks with joplin cloud, can you clarify whether all people sharing a notebook need to be a paid subscriber, and whether only the owner of the notebooks needs to be a pro or teams member? I am trying to introduce my colleagues to Joplin with the minimum investment so I might suggest they start with the basic subscription while I use the higher level to setup the notebook.

Thanks, Phil


Same question as philrasch here. I am about to upgrade to Pro Plan but I am hesitant as it is not clear whether the person who is being shared with should also have Pro Plan. It does not make sense to me he/she also needs to have the plan, as I would be sharing very scarcely

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Indeed, I understood that both accounts must be pro or team for the sharing to happen : Joplin cloud plans, Pro share vs Team users - #2 by laurent
Now, @kiteloopdesign , there are various ways to export a given note if this happens scarcely -among others, if I understand correctly, one can just publish it in the form of a web page. So, easy export, but no sharing...

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thanks Herve5 for the answer.

Additionally, I am not sure whether it is possible to share notebooks when NOT using Joplin cloud but some private server (eg owncloud). From this github issue it looks like it is possible:


@kiteloopdesign , I read above (by @koturk ) that indeed one can benefit from all features when setting one’s own server...

We are currently searching a new notes application / wiki and we are looking at joplin because some developers already use as their personal note taking app. The important feature for us would be a sharing service that we are able to host ourself. I found joplin server but is not well documented. I found something on docker hub.
Will this product be available for everyone? We are willing to pay for joplin Server. Joplin Cloud is a no go.


Joplin server is available for anyone to host themselves. If you don't find the documentation sufficient, maybe you can find extra install information on this forum? I know others have asked about it in the past.

Joolin cloud is just a Joplin server hosted by the Joplin company, so there isn't really difference to the user. If you're worried about hosting location or the shared host, perhaps you can contact them and work out a deal (I don't know if they do that).

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There's an install guide here: joplin/ at dev · laurent22/joplin · GitHub

E. g. my Guide for Raspberry Pies. It can easily be used to setup a "normal" server, too.


Thanks for your suggestions. I wikll have a look at that and in the end it might be the best to actually contact joplin. As a company we are interested in long lasting / stable products. All the docker images on docker hub are marked as beta and I found nothing if joplin plans to maintain joplin-server as a self hosting solution in the future.
Lets see how this will play out. Thanks!

The Joplin server is officially provided and maintained as Docker image only and docker is a self hosting solution. It's just that an ARM image is not officially provided only the linux/amd64.


Not only it allows you to use sharing feature, but also separates the services. For example when Nextcloud is on the maintenance you won't be able to use Joplin if it uses Nextcloud. Even if sharing with Nextcloud was possible, I would set it up separately anyway.

Is there a reason for this feature to be limited to the Joplin server?

Yes. Unless you have control of the server software you cannot implement these features. So if you are using somebody else's server it cannot be done,