On my devoce with Android 13 I receive the enclosed notice, concerning the notes which cannot be syncchronised.
The "Joplin.exe" never was included in Joplin, the note EUR_2022-10.pdf is deleted from Joplin on Deskto and not shown in Joplin android.
In the resources directory of the desktop and in the cloud the ID numbers cannot be found.
I would like to look in the resources directory on the concerned Android device if these notes (ID) are shown, but cannot find it. (I tried with CX Explorer and X-plore and via USB debugging)
On a second Android device I dont see this problem.
Is the only solution to uninstall Joplin and reinstall it? How can I be sure that all data from Joplin will be deleted in case of uninstall.on this device.
Thank you
I think it would make sense to include an "ignore" button in addition to the "retry" button on the "sync errors" screen. Alternatively, providing a "manage resources" screen like on desktop could be useful (though perhaps less user-friendly).
Is the only solution to uninstall Joplin and reinstall it? How can I be sure that all data from Joplin will be deleted in case of uninstall.on this device.
Another solution could be creating a new profile and syncing from there (Configuration > Tools > Manage profiles). This will result in two copies of all notes/resources on the device, however (one for the existing profile, one for the new profile).
@personalizedrefriger thank you very much, I did not know the manage resources on desktop and much to my surprise both files were shown there.
But after syncing there is the same problem, the notice on the Android device says that they will remain on the device..
Therefore my question was how to look at the resources directory on Android devices.
It seems that thereswas gone something wrong, the files are in the resources but not shown in the notebooks. of the android device.
I will try your proposal with the second profile