Program not available after install in Linux

Hi there,

I used this command to install the program Joplin:
wget -O - | bash

After installing I got the message that the program is installed. But I can’t see an icon. How to start the program?

If I use above command again, I get the following message:

HTTP-verzoek is verzonden; wachten op antwoord… 200 OK
Lengte: 4206 (4,1K) [text/plain]
Wordt opgeslagen als: ‘STDOUT’

  •                 0%[                    ]       0  --.-KB/s                    _             _ _       

Linux Installer and Updater

  •               100%[===================>]   4,11K  --.-KB/s    in 0,002s  

2019-08-27 18:58:22 (2,33 MB/s) - geschreven naar standaarduitvoer [4206/4206]

You already have the latest version 1.0.165 installed.

So it is clear that the program has been installed. But how to start? I can’t see the program in the menu. The command Joplin also does not work…)
Who knows the answer? (I use Lubuntu 18.04 LTS)

Greetings, Roelf

You probably just need to log out and log back in.

But you can also start Joplin manually, please take a look at this thread for instructions on how to do that.
I suspect that you won’t get the integration prompt, but if you do select yes and you should be all set.

Also if you can, please let me know whether or not you get that prompt, it’s possible that lubuntu isn’t properly supported, in which case the script needs to be updated.

I found the program. When I click on it, it ask me if I want to run it. After clicking on yes nothing happens. Right click on the program says that I have I the rights…

Very odd, you might want to try running Joplin from the command line, that way you can see if there’s any errors when it is trying to start.

kempinga@kempinga-RJ089AA-ABH-m7680-nl-a:~/.joplin$ ls
Joplin.AppImage VERSION
kempinga@kempinga-RJ089AA-ABH-m7680-nl-a:~/.joplin$ Joplin.AppImage
Joplin.AppImage: opdracht niet gevonden

Unfortunately, this does also not work.
Do I have to give another command?

I think the correct command is

But it could also be a permission issue so you should first type

chmod +x Joplin.AppImage

Now I got the following:
kempinga@kempinga-RJ089AA-ABH-m7680-nl-a:~/.joplin$ chmod +x Joplin.AppImage
kempinga@kempinga-RJ089AA-ABH-m7680-nl-a:~/.joplin$ ./Joplin.AppImage
bash: ./Joplin.AppImage: kan binair bestand Verkeerd uitvoerbaar bestand niet uitvoeren

This means something like: unable to execute binary file; Incorrect executable file.

Can you try this command

ls -la

The output will look like this

.rw-rw-r--  caleb  caleb  28.2 KB  Mon May 13 17:11:42 2019    Icon512.png
.rwxrwxr-x  caleb  caleb  98.3 MB  Fri Jun 14 18:01:41 2019    Joplin.AppImage
.rw-rw-r--  caleb  caleb     8 B   Mon Jun 17 10:39:30 2019    VERSION

I’m wondering if maybe Joplin did not fully download the first time, or perhaps your permissions are still wrong.

This is the output:
kempinga@kempinga-RJ089AA-ABH-m7680-nl-a:~/.joplin$ ls -la
totaal 101316
drwxrwxr-x 2 kempinga kempinga 4096 aug 28 16:56 .
drwxr-xr-x 28 kempinga kempinga 4096 aug 28 18:30 ..
-rwxrwxrwx 1 kempinga kempinga 103729016 aug 14 23:21 Joplin.AppImage
-rw-rw-r-- 1 kempinga kempinga 8 aug 27 14:41 VERSION

Just I deleted the previous version and installed in again. I got this message in Xterm:

Linux Installer and Updater
Downloading Joplin…
/home/kempinga/.joplin/Joplin.AppImage 100%[============================================================================================>] 98,92M 1,59MB/s in 66s
2019-08-28 18:45:44 URL: [103729016/103729016] -> “/home/kempinga/.joplin/Joplin.AppImage” [1]
Downloading icon…
2019-08-28 18:45:45 URL: [28953/28953] -> “/home/kempinga/.local/share/icons/hicolor/512x512/apps/joplin.png” [1]
Create Desktop icon.
Joplin version 1.0.165 installed.

This didn’t help unfortunately…
In the link stands x86_64
My computer is: 32 bit.

Package Information
Intel® Core™2 CPU 6300 @ 1.86GHz 0 0:0 1867,00 MHz
Intel® Core™2 CPU 6300 @ 1.86GHz 1 0:1 1867,00 MHz

Maybe is that the problem?

Yes it definitely is, Joplin on linux is currently 64 bit only. Here is a link to the github issue with more information.

Specifically one comment notes that it’s possible to get Joplin working with wine on lubuntu 18.04.

ah OK. Thanks for your help anyway.
I will try it with wine.