A big one in there is log-clipper.txt
, 192MB.
When is this file cleaned up?
....so if I'm in the 2%, does that mean Joplin Cloud won't be able to support me?
Currently mine is about 200 MB tho i plan on clipping interesting articles (i.e. news) into joplin and that might increase my usage quite a bit. Rn i don't really store anything long term in joplin
Number of notes: 4582.
Size of folder: 55MB.
That includes log.txt 23MB, so notes are only 30MB. Crazy. I use notes a LOT, but always text (no attachments).
I'm at 268 notes (rookie numbers, I know), which means 2MB and change for the db and 16MB in resources.
Rookie numbers? It's not a competition.
That's what they want you to think!
Ok it's not a competition but with 300 million notes I think you won anyway. Are you planning to clip the whole internet into Joplin?
If you were looking for an extreme test of Joplin Clouds performance I think it's just presented itself.
The most impressive is of course the 69 master keys.
I thought it was the 0 revisions...
about 390M, 2522 files, 13 folders
what do you mean, 'planning'?!
du -sh ~/.config/joplin-desktop
108M /Users/$USER/.config/joplin-desktop
98% text only
583 MB, 1561 files, 63 directories
3.3GB, 2962 notes
3.4GB, 5,114 files
Where do you see how many notes / attachments/etc that you have?