This plugin opens a random note from your workspace. Since there is no activity in the original repo since some years, I forked it and added some features that I wanted to try.
New features:
Exclude notes or notebooks (by right-click)
Exclude finished todos (by settings)
Get random notes from specific notebooks only (by right-click)
I will check if it's possible to make the plugin compatible to mobile.
It seems to be not possible easily. If I understand correctly, there are a few functions that the plugin requires, but that are not supported. Most important would be the openNote command.
I'm open to a PR, if somebody knows a way how to make this plugin compatible to mobile.
Thanks for the update. I can't see the exact reason why the plugin is marked as incompatible on my phone, though. I guess because the plugin needs a menu item, which is desktop-only.
It might be related to missing keys in manifest.json. I'm linking to part of the docs:
If you encounter an "incompatible with Joplin mobile" error, be sure that "platforms": ["mobile", "desktop"] is included in your plugin's manifest.json (documentation).
Thanks, that worked. The plugin is available on mobile now. It's not really convenient, though. You have to edit the note first to get the menu including the random note button.