Plugin: Note Link System

Thanks for quick fix. It seems to works !

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Also fixed for me, thank you!

Actually, I take that back. The referrers panel works now (which is an improvement) but "Quick Copy Element URL" and "Preview local/remote URL" don't show in the preview panel.

@shbach what's the error messages?

I see this error:

Logger.ts:217 01:44:21: joplin.plugins: Uncaught exception in plugin "ylc395.noteLinkSystem": Error: Could not find content script at path /home/shbach/.config/joplin-desktop/cache/ylc395.noteLinkSystem/driver/markdownView/indexwithSyntax.js
    at Plugin.<anonymous> (node_modules/@joplin/lib/services/plugins/Plugin.js:78)
    at (<anonymous>)
    at fulfilled (node_modules/@joplin/lib/services/plugins/Plugin.js:5)
log @ Logger.ts:217

@shbach It seems that Joplin load plugin from cache directory, which lacks file indexwithSyntax.js added since 0.2.0🤔 Maybe you can reinstall this plugin, or remove the cache directory?

I have the same problem from a fresh install. The plugin is looking for indexwithSyntax.js instead of indexWithSyntax.js


Reinstalling the plugin and removing the cache doesn't fix the problem.

Also, on Windows I'm noticing the following issue with bullet points where the # is always showing:

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@shbach v0.2.3 fixed all bugs you mentioned. Thank you for reporting!


Hi, thanks for this plugin! I've long hesitated with trying it out, because I'm really relying on the other plugins a lot - specifically Quick link and Backlinks.

Now that I've finally tried this plugin - it's great! The Quick links functionality is exactly what I wanted - the text selection and the subheading selection are :100:.

However, I have a few issue with the Backlinks/referrals. I only use the "Panel" version - I never want anything inserted into my notes.
So I've tried disabling everything Markdown View-related in the settings, but still this empty heading appears in every note that has backlinks.

(The hover text on it is 'backs', and it doesn't show in notes that don't have any backlinks.)

My other concern is performance: compared with the other Backlinks plugin, this is much slower. I don't really mind that much - I can just hide the pane and use the other plugin for backlinks. My only question is: If the pane is hidden and the insertion into Markdown view is disabled, is the backlink lookup still done in the background (and I just don't see its results), or is it skipped entirely?
I'm afraid that if it's not skipped, it might impact my battery life unnecessarily.

And a question for everyone, I guess: does anybody have something that would fix this plugin (the hash mark in the screenshot above, as well as the preview pane) for dark mode? Doesn't have to look amazing, just more readable than the current version.)


Really looking forward to what comes next!

Strange I'm not seeing the empty heading you mentioned in any of my notes with backlinks.

However, I do agree that preview of local URL is not very legible in dark mode. @ylc395 is this the same issue as the quick copy in preview pane I mentioned previously or is it separate?


You can set Panel: Max Text Length Of Digest Of Referrer to 0 to avoid performance cost since v0.3.0.


I can not reproduce this. But I refactored related code on v0.3.0, you can check it out.

@shbach @zblesk version 0.3.0 added dark mode support out of box, you can check it out


Looks great!

Yeah, it does! Thanks!
Setting the length to 0 does help a bit as well.

One minor thing: I use the 'mark' syntax extension (with ==), and it doesn't get rendered within the preview. It's not really important and I don't care that much if it's fixed; I'm just mentioning it in case you're bored and looking for things to fix. :smiley:

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Anyone has a quick CSS trick for changing the background color of the panel?
As a wild guess I tried the following, but this doesn't affect all elements on the panel. There's a dark border or something similar that remains due to Joplin's dark theme.

* {background-color: #FFFFFF; }


@shikuz which panel?

I'm interested in changing the background of the Referrers panel.

Tried to upload a screenshot in the previous post, where changing the background to white still leaves a dark border around the title and referrers list.

@shikuz try this out:

body {
   background-color: #fff;

This plugin has interesting aspects, thanks for contributing.

I already use the separate Backlinks and Quicklinks plugin.
In particular I don't need features 3 and 4, as using the Rich Markdown plugin (no markdown rendered view).
Feature 1 (referrer panel) and 5 look promising for users that rely on markdown-only editors.

So my question is: Would you like to split this plugin up a bit?

It would be awesome to contribute the referrer panel to the Backlinks plugin repository of user ambrt.
The text links would make an awesome separate plugin on its own.