PDF Viewer in notes imported from Evernote

Version: 1.6.8
OS: Windows 10, 64 bits

Hello, I just downloaded the latest version of Joplin (1.6.8) and I have noticed that notes imported from Evernote are not rendering the PDF inside the note (as it happens with the notes created within Joplin).

Is this expected behaviour or something that can be changed in the settings?

Could you provide an ENEX file that shows the issue please? It's not expected behaviour.

I tested again and I know the reason.

When I migrated my Evernote notes to Jopin I used the import option:

ENEX - Evernote Export file (as HTML)

The notes with PDF attachments imported this way will not render the PDF files. I should have used the option:

ENEX - Evernote Export file (as Markdown)

for the PDF attachments to be rendered inside the note in Joplin.

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