Password for Joplin

RE: Windows 11 Version 10.0.22621 Build 22621.

The Joplin App on my Android phone and tablet, as well as my PC needs to a have a password lock to help prevent unauthorized access. I know this has been requested before, so I am parroting back in old request.

Thank you.

It's implemented on mobile, it's the "biometric" feature in the settings

If you want to restrict access to Joplin on a Windows PC consider using the portable version in a VeraCrypt container:

Thanks for the reply. Are you saying to use Bio settings to lock just the Joplin App? That is what I am looking to do and can't quite figure it out.

Yes if you open the configuration screen, there's an option "enable biometrics authentication" at the top. If you turn that on it will ask you for your fingerprint on startup

Thanks laurent. My phone just won't read my fingerprints.

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