An option to remove the current time from the status bar near the title prompt would be much appreciated. IMO, it's just unnecessary and reduces the space available for writing the title name. Any plugin suggestions to do this would also be nice.
@vakitiv welcome to the forum.
It's not the current time but the last modified date/time of the note you are viewing. Admittedly for a new note that is the current date / time
Anyway, this can be removed using custom css.
In userchrome.css add:
.updated-time-label {
/* removes the modified date */
display: none;
If you want to make even more space by removing the spell checker button and the alarm button as well, change the above to:
a[title="Spell checker"],
a[title="Set alarm"] {
/* removes the modified date as well as the spell-checker and alarm buttons */
display: none;
If you are not familiar with custom css in Joplin see this wiki page.
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