Omit note's contents from search results if it has a special tag

One reason I haven't been making more use of Joplin's ability to turn webpages into notes is because they can clutter up search results when I'm using the program's find feature.

What I would like is a plugin that keeps their contents from being searched when they're given a particular tag. Let's say #omit-text-from-search as an example. Search would still match the note based on title and tags, but not the contents.

If that's not doable, a tag to keep the specially tagged notes from appearing in search results altogether would be fine.

Something like word -tag:excluded_tag should work.

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Wouldn't that exclude notes with that tag altogether? I just want to exclude the contents.

It would. I thought that was what you wanted:

If that's not doable, a tag to keep the specially tagged notes from appearing in search results altogether would be fine.

I would want the title and tags to still appear in the search results, just not the note's contents.

Or just search the titles and tags?

any:1 title:keyword tag:keyword

(any:1 applies an OR condition to the two search terms, any:0, the default, is AND)

I'd want the note content to be searched for everything else, though.