Mobile: failed decryption and sync

I removed larger markdown notes as discussed here: "Row too big to fit into CursorWindow" errors when syncing from Joplin app on Android - #14 by t0dd

And I turned off OCR stuff. And then I waited a full day so that any revisions disappeared.

The largest markdown file that remains is 246MB. The largest HTML file is 1.5MB. The largest "resource" is a 20MB PDF. Those should all be managed just fine, right?

I got FURTHER this time. But still errors out eventually. Interestingly, so many Notebooks simply disappear though some of the notes that go in those Notebooks do exist. I can't really compare the inventories though, and so it is hard to tell. I don't see the "Encrypted" label anywhere. So, presumably everything it has access to is decrypted.

Here's a graphic showing my top-level trees. On the left is for my desktop and on the right is my phone. There are notebooks missing underneath these layers as well.

Here's my new log file. Note, I had to sync twice. Once that didn't error out but Notebooks were missing. The second time I synced, I got the usual "Laste error: [object Object]"

Log file:
mobile-log8.log.txt (1.8 MB)