Missing Notebook

Operating system


Joplin version


Desktop version info

Joplin 2.13.12 (prod, win32)

Client ID: 833f47eae267427287c115a5114667e1
Sync Version: 3
Profile Version: 44
Keychain Supported: Yes

Revision: e027cdc

Create and go to tags and @notebooks: 1.3.7
Favorites: 1.3.0
Kity Minder: 1.0.16
Link Graph UI: 1.5.0
Markmap: 1.4.1
Note Link System: 0.8.0
Note Tabs: 1.4.0
PlantUML2: 1.11.0
Quick Links: 1.2.4
Rich Markdown: 0.13.3
Tagging: 1.0.1

Sync target

Joplin Cloud

What issue do you have?

A notebook and the others notebooks it contains are not visible on the app but I can access the notes in the notebooks via the research bar.


The notebook "Sac à connaissance" is missing (below an old screenshot of the missing notebooks)

Can you get the notes back from the "All notes" section (at the top of the sidebar), then move them to a new notebook?

I tried and it works but the problem got worse on another device :


The synchronisation is not even right with the other device and i would have to remake the whole categorisation.

The Desktop information version :
Joplin 2.13.13 (prod, win32)

ID client : 0529bacfb5a44470a3204394291eb5a1
Version de Synchro : 3
Version du profil : 44
Trousseau supporté : Oui

Révision : c3cdeeb

Favorites: 1.3.0
Link Graph UI: 1.5.0
Note Tabs: 1.4.0
PlantUML2: 1.11.0
Quick Links: 1.2.4
Rich Markdown: 0.13.3

I still have the problem of synchronization, any idea ? :pray:

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