Mind Map

Hey !

Would be interesting to reopen the discussion :thinking:

GitHub - uphy/joplin-plantuml-plugin may be applicable here

Specifically https://plantuml.com/mindmap-diagram works well, I've tested it. Note you have to use the following syntax listed here: How does the plugin work? · Issue #1 · uphy/joplin-plantuml-plugin · GitHub


on pc it works perfectly on the app I can't see it

Thanks to @marc0l92 you can try the new plantuml plugin for mind map.

Unfortunately I do not see the issue solved.
PlantUML works good for creating mindmaps. It allows for various syntax versions. The "markdown compatible syntax" does not work with the Joplin PlantUML plugin.
But: It only works in a PlantUML code fence.

What I would find desireable is the visualisation of any ordinary markdown file with h1 to h6 and hierarchical lists as a Mindmap. As the Outline plugin does for the Outline.

Markmap (GitHub - dundalek/markmap: Visualize markdown documents as mindmaps) seems the perfect library for this. (You can see it work in Obsidian, VS code and Atom as well, as I read.)

The next level of support would be editing in the mindmap and not in the md code. But that I find not as urgently needed. :wink:

Thanks for considering!

Actualy, the discussion about mind mapping is split between differents posts.

I think it would be welcome for many people, but it's not realy an large request, i dont understand why.

I think everything is here, as bricks, and we need people to do a pluggin with thoses bricks...

And, when i read your comment, i realize we have oposite needs :
You seems to need a thing witch visualise the note as a mind map
I need a pluggin for making the mind map graphicly as it's made for.
For my needs, i think it would be perfect to use the markdown syntaxe and add a link to a note for an item of the map, it would be great !

So i'm considering to do a pluggin, but i'm far from it...

For now, i try thing with this tutorial Getting started with plugin development | Joplin ... it's electron so...

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Be brave! It's very interesting.

a little update :

for what i can see, there is a TON of mindmap implementation, even in markdown.

Now, i'm not so sure about the intrest of using any implementation in any language or even uml approche.

PlantUML is great, but you need to write your map...it's not my need :wink:

I was thinking to use the mm format, from freeplane and freemap, but i dont like using this apps, it's powerfull, but very complex. Too much for me.

I tried XMIND, witch disapointed me, so site tell it's open source, but not...
And the free version doesn't export to markdown.

But it was intrestring. There is an "preview" option with realy looks like a note...

So i think i will choose this path and replicate it with md syntax or other joplin's capacity. I'm even thinking about making liked notes. Or make it an option to choose.

That's the easy part.

The complexity is for the GUI part...of course. For now, i dont understand all the component of joplin, so i will see witch framework is used, then if i can do what i have in mind easyly, if not, i will search for a framwork to do it fast.
And i absolutly need dynamic CSS, so i need to learn. And chose right.
I'm not a good dev, it would probably be a bloatware...i hope someone will help me to make a good code :slight_smile:

Long long time ago, i was breafly a web dev, when we used massively php/mysql/html 4/CSS/JS. Electron is basicly that, so i try :wink:


The following implementation of a MindMap-Editor storing Markdown could be interesting to create such a plugin for Joplin as well:

Would that cover, what you are looking for?

Using it could also result in a potential compatibility of the created Markdown, which could be a big plus.

There is a plug-in now to edit mindmaps within Joplin:

It includes them into the markdown like an image:
and is based on GitHub - fex-team/kityminder-editor: Powerful Mindmap Editing Tool.
At least that core component has markdown support (import/export as far as I was able to find out with automatic translation from Chinese). In the plugin I didn't find this export yet.

Therefore it covers:

  • Mindmap-editing within Joplin (maybe only desktop), even within a note. In the moment this is a flavour of using plantuml (or other diagram toolkit) for creating mindmaps, without the mindmap's data (in the case of plantuml in plantuml's syntax options) within the markdown file.

Still not available (but maybe possible):

  • getting the content of the mindmap available as markdown.
    This plugin provides the chance to get markdown out, as its core component supports that. I set up a feature request to extend it with the exporting Export the mindmap data to markdown etc. #8.
  • visualization of existing markdown notes as mindmaps.
    Maybe this could be done through the markdown-import capability of the plugin's core component. I asked for an extention towards this, too: As mindmap viewer/editor for existing markdown notes
  • editing of existing markdown notes as mindmaps
    Risky, as with most Rich-Text Markdown editors, as they should not corrupt the existing markdown. But not impossible! (included in the upper feature request as a potential extension).

So far, my updates to this discusion...

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Hi, thanks for developing this plugin.
I wanted to test it and checking the benefit against other similar tools for mind mapping but, unfortunately, I could not find the icon showed in the blog.
After installing, it through Joplin menu option, or installed manually, then reset my desk, I could find the icon.
Screenshot from 2022-12-06 16-43-57
Is there anything I'm missing?
Joplin 2.9.17 (prod, linux)

Hi Eduardo,
you are right, there is no icon. Probably not even a Shortcut for it.
But through the menu you get it: Tools > Kity Minder > Create new mindmap
(At least I hope, as I am on Win10, not Linux.)
Beyond that, all the praise for developing this plugin should go to xeden3 on Github. I am only the messenger...
I hope this helps.

Thanks, I have posted it in Github. There is not any icon for open Kity minder editor · Issue #10 · xeden3/joplin-plugin-kity-minder · GitHub

But once you have created it at saved through the menu, then on the image of the mindmap in the markdown previewer there is an Edit button appearing on the upper left corner of the image, as you hover over it...
Therefore nothing is really missing to make it usable... That would be just polishing.

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Sorry, I just had a look at your screenshot at Github.
You are right, the menu entry that I have, is missing for you.