If you do not define what type the code is in a fenced block, i.e. where you start the markdown with: ``` on its own on a line, the interpreter will try to guess what needs highlighting.
So if you use:
Your code block will look like this
exiftool "-alldates<datetimeoriginal" *.jpg -overwrite_original
exiftool "-filemodifydate<datetimeoriginal" *.jpg
but if you use
it will look like this
exiftool "-alldates<datetimeoriginal" *.jpg -overwrite_original
exiftool "-filemodifydate<datetimeoriginal" *.jpg
although in Joplin the type for text is actually
If your block of code is css you use
if it's html
and so on...
This post and the one after it covers this in a bit more detail.