I have a question about something that I would like to do, and I am not sure if it is feasible or not. I would like to use Joplin to manage my ToDos in a plaintext and multiplatform way. That said, I would still like to benefit from other potential applications that may improve a bit upon the fully plaintext way. Joplin would be the best way to edit the list on the go/mobile, where I wouldn't have the benefit of a desktop app.
This would require me to have a txt file external to Joplin but still in sync with the content of a note. If I try to use Joplin's MD file for the note, I get the metadata info; if I strip it before using the external app, then I would lose Joplin's metadata and generate conflicts.
The best/only way I see of doing this is having the possibility of inserting a txt file into a Joplin note, and being able to edit it, thus updating both the note and the original txt file. Is this possible? Something akin to MS Office Loops, I believe.
Happy to hear about alternatives/suggestions! Thanks for your time.