Joplin wouldn't install

Downloaded & tried to install Joplin on a new Asus W10 gaming laptop.
Below is a far as I got. What happened??

OOOP’s couldn’t find the upload image icon so what’s next?


To report a bug, please let us know:

  • The version you are using. LATEST VERSION is not a version number!

  • If you report a problem with upgrading, please let us know both versions (from/to).

  • The operating system you are using.

If you can also please provide a log, as described here:

Posts that do not at least state the version number and operating system will not be answered.

@klxdrt you need to give some more information here. For example, where did you download Joplin? How did you install it? How do you know that the install failed? Was there an error?

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I’ll give you what I can as I don’t have much.
Downloaded from Joplin.
Installed the normal way that I have used for 30 ys.
I saw the install failure popup, but since it seems that everything surrounding Joplin is Cattiwampus I could not post images of the not install. No way to upload images to this forum.

I just was looking for program to replace my Sketchy Evernote. Can you suggest one?



link please

What does that mean? You can't take a screenshot of the error message or copy the text?

In that case, type the error here.

Btw, you can upload images. There are 3 ways actually.

  • You can click on the upload button image
  • you can paste an image that is in your clipboard
  • you can drag and drop it here

What was the issue when you tried to upload? I've just checked and new users are allowed to upload up to 4 images which should be plenty.


Sine the forum doesn’t show actual image & I can’t find the “preview” button, I hope this is what I uploaded.

I’ll just have to come back & look.

Best Regards,


I uploaded an image but could not preview it. Saw image AFTER I replied.
That’s too late as I wanted to add an additional comment:

joplin menu BW.jpg
Note how the LEFT Icons are easier to see/read & the upload is actually pix of a tree. Icons on the right
don’t have enough contrast. Chk the W3C or the Yale Style manual for web contrast requirements.

I really would like to replace Evernote with Joplin. I’ll start over again & see how it goes.

Best Regards,

klxdrt chain wheel.jpg